Jonas Gahr Støre
Jonas Gahr Støre is now by far the most popular candidate for prime minister in the country. On Thursday Jonas Gahr Støre will take over the reins as Norwegian prime minister replacing the outgoing Erna Solberg. Jonasgahrstore Er En Skam For Norge Vakn Opp Folk Arbeiderpartileder Jonas Gahr Store Fikk Unngjelde I Sylvi Listhaugs 1 Mai Tale Politikk Norge Folk Jonas Gahr Støre is the Norwegian Foreign Minister charged with working for Norways interests internationally. . Norsk politiker Ap og utenriksminister i Jens Stoltenbergs annen regjering. The Labor Party won the election with 263 percent of the vote with the Center Party finishing third with 204 percent. Jonas Gahr Støre Oslo 25 augustus 1960 is een Noors politicus en voorzitter van de Det Norske ArbeiderpartietSinds 14 oktober 2021 is hij premier van NoorwegenEerder was hij onder meer minister van Buitenlandse Zaken 20052012 en minister van Volksgezondheid 20122013 in. August 1960 i...